5 Skills That Makes You a Best Rummy Player

>> Wednesday 20 February 2013

Playing rummy is always easy with online rummy portals but the difficult part is winning the game. You need some special skills to have high chance of winning the rummy game. We do believe that some of the players posses real skills which are gifted to them when playing rummy even though they are nuts in other things. 

Do you really need those magical skills to play and win rummy, or you can learn the skills that makes you winner.  Below are the 5 skills that keep you ahead of competing players in rummy games.

Fast Thinking: Think as fast as you can to stand out. You need to think very fast while drawing and discarding. One can develop this skill by practice. Play rummy more and you will sure feel the difference.

Rearrange Every Time:  Rearrange your cards for the maximum benefit. Change the combinations to make the pairs as fast as possible. One can develop this skill by applying it more.

Observe:  Observing the cards that are discarded by other players. Remember the cards that are discarded & picked by players to restrict them from winning. This skill can be learned by being more aware and conscious.

Decision Making: Decision making is another important skill in Indian rummy. One has to be very careful while making it to ensure more wins.

Interest: Are you really interested in playing the game or winning the game.  One should have to remember the whole game situation to win the game. While playing bestof3, Points Rummy you should put more interest towards the stats & game. 

The above skills can be learned easily by practicing more and staying more conscious. The skills can be learned and well utilized in the life as well. So you don’t need to be gifted players to play rummy and win.


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