Rummy & IPL T20 – Where Thrill Matters

>> Thursday, 17 April 2014
We have seen how the popularity of cricket has grown in recent times with the evolution of short form of the game. Yes, we are talking about the same what you are thinking. Its T20 cricket format which has changed the entire game like anything.  When the one day internationals have made the crowd to feel boring and painful in the modern life style, T20 have changed the entire scene with loads of fun in no time.

With the inception of IPL T20, Indian crowd has gone mad as the tourney started delivering mind blowing games where Thrilling performances changed the results. IPL is well known not only India but the whole world has its eye on the popular tourney. In fact it’s the Thrilling moments which has brought the name to it.

There is one more game which deliver the same experience of Thrill from the oldest times. Indian traditions have kept a special note for the same. Yes its 13 Card Game popularly known as Rummy. The Rummy games are part of entertainment tradition on special occasion. Rummy is also gained the popularity as the game offers the Thrilling experience maximizing the fun.

Read more at Rummy Blog


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